Pioneering New Horizons: Ashley Crane – Redefining Travel as Co-Founder of Crave Travel

From the iconic boardwalks of Long Beach, New York, to the farthest corners of the globe, Ashley Crane's journey has been a testament to the power of passion, persistence, and a deep-rooted love for adventure. As a co-founder of Crave Travel, Ashley's voyage from a native Long Beach New Yorker to a global explorer has not only transformed her life but has also ignited a paradigm shift in the world of travel, introducing immersive and meaningful experiences that leave an indelible mark on both travelers and the places they visit.

A Long Beach Local with a Global Vision

Growing up amidst the soothing rhythm of ocean waves and the vibrant energy of Long Beach, Ashley Crane's heart was drawn to the allure of far-off horizons. While the shores of her hometown provided a comforting backdrop, her spirit yearned for the uncharted territories that beckoned beyond the beach. The seeds of her global wanderlust were sown in the very sands of Long Beach, nurturing a passion that would drive her to redefine the travel landscape.

The Birth of Crave Travel: A Vision Unveiled

With Crave Travel, Ashley and her co-founder, Sasha VanDenBosch, unveiled a transformative approach to travel that transcends mere sightseeing. The essence of culinary exploration, cultural immersion, community engagement, and conservation intertwine to create an intricate tapestry of experiences. This resonates deeply with Ashley's roots in Long Beach, where the sense of community is as integral as the waves that shape the shoreline. Crave Travel's ethos reflects the interconnectedness that Ashley learned in her hometown – connections that now span across continents.

Local Sensibilities Meet Global Compassion

Ashley brings an innate understanding of what it means to belong. Her upbringing in a tight-knit community has instilled within her a deep appreciation for human connections and the warmth of shared experiences. Crave Travel encapsulates this sense of belonging, fostering a spirit of camaraderie among travelers and the communities they encounter.

Champion of Conservation and Change

Ashley Crane's commitment to conservation is an extension of her Long Beach heritage's respect for nature's delicate balance. Crave Travel's conservation initiatives mirror Ashley's dedication to protecting the environments that shape our global narratives. From the golden sands of Long Beach to the vast savannas of Africa, her passion for preserving the planet echoes loudly.

A Legacy of Exploration and Empowerment

Ashley Crane's journey from the shores of Long Beach to the co-founding role at Crave Travel is a testament to the boundless power of dreams and determination. Her story exemplifies how a native Long Beach New Yorker can metamorphose into a global influencer, reshaping the way we experience travel. Crave Travel transcends destinations; it embodies the essence of connection, cultural appreciation, conservation, and authenticity that echoes far beyond the journey's end. In Ashley Crane, we find not just a native Long Beach New Yorker, but a trailblazer who has ignited a global movement of transformative journeys, leaving an ever-lasting legacy of wanderlust and cherished memories.


South Africa: A Fusion of Luxury, Conservation, & Cultural Immersion


Unveiling the Trailblazer: Sasha VanDenBosch – Midwest Girl with a Global Heart, Co-Founder of Crave Travel